About Us
Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) strives to provide the highest level of customer service to our shareholders, co-workers, and the public. Our Customer Service Specialists are highly skilled and well trained, and are available Monday through Friday during normal working hours to assist customers with water account-related activities or concerns. Administrative staff provides assistance to the Customer Service Department, performs a wide range of functions to provide support to shareholders and employees, and ensures that AMWC meets the reporting requirements of a mutual water company.
System Description
AMWC’s water system serves a population of over 30,000. It is comprised of approximately 250 miles of pipeline ranging in size from 4 inches to 24 inches, with 9 storage tanks that range in size from 120,000 gallons to 4.8 million gallons. There are 17 active wells, 8 booster stations, 5 treatment buildings, and 20 pressure-reducing stations located throughout the system. In addition, there are over 10,000 customer service connections, 1,900 valves, and 1,700 fire hydrants. Elevations in the system vary from 800 feet at the well fields along the Salinas River, to 1,916 feet at the tank located in Summit Hills.
System Operators
A full-time crew of Water Distribution Operators and Water Treatment Operators operates and maintains AMWC’s water production and distribution systems. These highly trained operators are required to obtain certifications from the State Water Resources Control Board. All AMWC operators are required to maintain the training needed to stay abreast of the ever-changing drinking water regulations.
Our History
Atascadero Mutual Water Company (AMWC) was incorporated August 13, 1913, by Atascadero's founder E.G. Lewis, and is the oldest continuous-operating company in the Colony of Atascadero. Since its formation in 1913, AMWC has provided water for domestic and irrigation purposes at cost to its shareholders. AMWC is one of the largest retail mutual water companies in the state, and is responsible for meeting the water requirements of more than 30,000 people.